Our Foundation has specific patrons. The first of these is St. Michael the Archangel, who accompanied us from the beginning of the page www.egzorcyzmy.katolik.pl.
From the beginning we are trying to promote the cult of the holy Archangel and his reverence, mainly through the publication of his prayers and other minor initiatives.
Our second holy patron is Blessed Bartolo Longo – a lawyer who has taken up the challenge to spread the Rosary. He undertook a number of social and educational works, established schools, orphanages, homes for the children of prisoners, and many others. Pope John Paul II called him “an example for lay Catholics”, and thus he became a reference point for all of our activities.
More about this form on our website – www.bartolo-longo.pl.
The Venerable Matt Talbot was an Irish ascetic revered by many Catholics for his piety, charity and mortification of the flesh. Talbot was an unskilled labourer. Having drunk excessively for 16 years, Talbot maintained sobriety for the following forty years of his life. He found strength in prayer, began to attend daily Mass, and read religious books and pamphlets. Though he has not been formally recognized as a saint, Talbot may be considered a patron of men and women struggling with alcoholism.